Use of fall protection equipment
The Norwegian authorities require that employees who use fall protection equipment in their work have received training in its use (“Regulations on organisation, management and participation” Chapter 8 § 8-1 General requirements for training ). The employer is responsible for ensuring that the employee has the necessary training. The course provides a basic theoretical and practical introduction to fall protection.
This fall protection course provides insight into the relevant laws and regulations when working at height. It provides information on different types of fall protection, as well as on the use and maintenance of different types of fall protection equipment. The course highlights measures that can reduce the risk of a fall and that can minimize damage in the event of a fall.
- Laws and regulations
- Fall arrest harnesses, shock absorbers and fall blocks
- Fall factors and limitations
- Choosing the right equipment
- Control, daily and periodically
- Storage and maintenance
- Anchoring points and anchoring systems
- Hanging trauma and rescue
- Accidents and first aid
Prerequisites : None
Practical information
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